Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Anne Eklektikos

The title of my blog "Anne Eklektikos" is a play on words as I am an eklektikos! An eklektikos is "a person who derives ideas, styles, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources" (definition from - it is derived from Greek eklegein - ek 'out' and legein 'choose' ... it basically means choosing the best from a source - whether it's an idea, a style, or a system. I had always thought it meant someone who was odd or unusual (in a good or bad way), but I came across the actual meaning recently and discovered that wasn't quite accurate.

So ... we'll see where this leads!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging, I will enjoy seeing what you have to say and what you decide to share!
